Audi A4

since 1994 release

Repair and operation of the car

A4 Audi
+ Running gear
+ Regular servicing
+ Engines
+ Turbo-supercharging
+ System of an exhaust
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and fuel pump
+ Air filter and channels of absorption
- System of injection
   + System of injection of Motronic
   - System of injection of MPI and MPFI
      Additional functions
      Knots of system of injection
      Adjustment with the help a lambda probe
      Violations in work and self-diagnostics
      Visual control
      Check of knots
      Dismantle of separate details
      Cable of a butterfly valve
      Inlet collector
      Idling adjustment
      Check of exhaust gases
      The help at malfunctions
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and main transfer
+ Suspension bracket of wheels and steering
+ Brakes
+ Wheels and tires
+ Electrotechnical equipment
+ System of ignition
+ Lighting
+ Alarm equipment
+ Tools and devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ body Details
+ Salon
Search of malfunctions
Technical characteristics

The help at malfunctions

System of injection of MPI/MPFI

Its reasons
Your help
A. The cold engine is not got or started badly 1. Defective safety lock 13, 21, 25, 27 or 28
2. The relay of the fuel pump is faulty
3. The fuel pump does not give fuel or gives insufficient quantity
4. The fuel pressure regulator is faulty
5. The idling stabilization valve is faulty
6. The control unit is faulty
7. The signal from the sensor of number of turns of the engine does not arrive
8. Additional air comes to the engine
Check if it is necessary, replace
Check availability of gasoline in a fuel tank
Check the fuel pump, measure amount of the arriving fuel
Measure pressure in a workshop
Check in a workshop
Check a wire on all length
Check all hoses
B. The heated-up engine is not got or started badly 1. Defect in a vacuum hose to the fuel pressure regulator
2. See. And 1-4, 6 and 7
3. Injection valves are not tight
4. The sensor of temperature of cooling liquid is faulty
Check a hose

Check valves
Check the sensor

C. The engine is started, but soon again becomes deaf 1. See. And 1 and 5
2. See. In 1
3. Size WITH does not meet standard
4. Defect in the measuring instrument of mass of air (MPI) or in the sensor of temperature of the soaked-up air or in pressure sensor in an inlet collector (MPFI)
5. The potentiometer of a butterfly valve is faulty

Check injection in a workshop


D. The cold engine shivers idling See. And 5
E. The heated-up engine shivers idling 1. See. And 4 and 5
2. See. With 3
F. Too high turns at the heated-up engine idling See. And 5
G. The engine works with interruptions 1. The fuel filter got littered
2. See. And 3 and 5
3. See. In 3
4. See. With 3 and 4
Replace the filter
H. The engine works with interruptions, is switched-off Uneven supply of fuel fuel pump Measure amount of the given fuel
I. Insufficient engine capacity 1. See. And 3,4 and 8
2. See. With 3 and 5
3. The butterfly valve does not pass into the provision of full gas
Adjust a cable of a butterfly valve

J. The engine gives backfires in an inlet collector

1. See. And 4
2. See. With 3
K. Too high fuel consumption 1. See. In 4
2. See. With 3